Our Endorsed Champions of Portland Street Response
This upcoming election represents an unprecedented opportunity that will determine the future of Portland Street Response (PSR).
The stakes are high. We’ve seen Portland Street Response go from an innovative national model expected to expand to 24/7 citywide coverage in 2023 to an undermined, neglected program that was only provided a lifeline after YOU – the grassroots supporters of Portland Street Response – demanded it.
Portland Street Response remains enormously popular, as evident by so many candidates for City Council including it in their platform. That’s great to see, but we have heard similar rhetoric from inside City Hall and yet over the last 2 years, PSR’s budget has been cut and its growth stalled through a series of closed door policy decisions.
We need elected officials who will give modernizing our public safety system the political support it needs to ensure we are sending the right first responder to the right call. Candidates who will actually take accountability and champion Portland Street Response, not try to punt the ball. It’s time to turn the page and get PSR back on track. This election is our chance to do just that.
After a rigorous evaluation process, we are endorsing candidates who truly understand and are committed to fulfilling the promise of Portland Street Response.
We encourage you to learn about each of the candidates we have endorsed and consider showing your support for Portland Street Response by making a $5 donation to each Friends of PSR endorsed candidate!
Friends of Portland Street Response is proud to endorse the following candidates for Portland City Council:
Mayor of Portland
District 1 – East Portland
District 2 – North & Northeast
District 3 – Southeast Portland
District 4 – West (+ Sellwood area)

After voters mandated change in 2022, Portlanders will be electing a total of 12 new City Council members this November – 3 representatives in each of the 4 new geographic districts.
To elect your 3 new district representatives, you will use ranked choice voting. That simply means you rank up to 6 of your favorite candidates in order of preference when you receive your ballot this October (pro-tip: don’t rank candidates you don’t like).
Let’s restore and grow Portland Street Response by electing these public safety champions to Portland City Hall!
Let’s restore and grow Portland Street Response by electing these public safety champions to Portland City Hall!
Stay tuned as always for the latest news and opportunities to advocate for PSR as we continue to help you get to know our endorsed candidates going forward.
Thank you,
Friends of PSR